About Me

I'm Katie.  I'm 25.  I'm a small town girl.

I was married on May 25, 2013 to my best friend Matt.  I am thankful for that man everyday. 

Husband and wife!

By the barn where we had our reception.

Our wedding party.

We have a cat child named Sir Charles Kittykins of Purrington.  He goes my Charlie.  He's antisocial and kind of mean, but we still love him.

He's staring at the ceiling fan, which he's terrified of.

I have a handful chronic illnesses. 

I was born with dextro-Transposition of the Great Arteries and had four open heart surgeries as a kid.  My scars are amazing. They're my battle wounds.

Go can kind of see my zipper scar here.

On April 15, 2014 I had my first neurosurgery, Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion at C3-C4. I have more, probabaly 3 more levels, fusions in my future.

Waking up after my fusion.

I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which is a genetic connective issue disorder.  I have the classical type and it's really painful.  EDS has caused we to have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, which is a form of Dysatutonomia, or disregulation of the Autonomic Nervous System.  I also have Osteoarthritis because of EDS.

My lovely Vista collar.
I also get hemipeligic migraines.

But this blog isn't just going to be about my illnesses, despite the title "Chronically Katie."  I am also obsessed with makeup. Lipstick and nail polish are my addictions. I've always wanted to start a beauty blog, so why not add that aspect too.

Welcome to this little peak into my life.

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